Budget Law of Sisay Ft Mons from cEDH TV

Описание к видео Budget Law of Sisay Ft Mons from cEDH TV

Budget Law of Sisay Ft Mons from cEDH TV

I am joined by my dear friend Mons aka MicroMonkey from cEDH TV where we budgetize his Rule of Law Sisay deck.

If you wish to help support the channel please go to   / cedh_budget_brews  

If you want help with a deck or want to help with decks please join the cEDH Budget Brews Discord   / discord  

Here is a list of all our previous decks & budget resources http://budgetbrews.club/

Deck Lists:

Budget Law of Sisay: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/DIc6ey...

Budgetless Law of Sisay: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/xMC0fP...

Rule of Sisay Tutor Combo Chain Guide:    • New sisay tutor chain combo with Esik...  

Rebell's ( I Love You Boo) Sisay Elk: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/WuFgkX...

If you would like to check out more from cEDH TV go check out Mon's YouTube Channel:    / @cedhtv  


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