Raining Lance - Kenpo knife defense technique for an overhead knife attack

Описание к видео Raining Lance - Kenpo knife defense technique for an overhead knife attack

Self Defense Techniques: In this episode Mr James of Charm City Karate demonstrates Raining Lance, which is a Kenpo self defense technique for an overhead knife attack.

Thanks to Mr Max for taking the whoopings!

The best training knives: http://trainingblades.com/Aluminum-Tr...

More on us here: www.charmcitykarate.com

Raining Lance (front overhead step through knife attack)
1. While in a left neutral or standing naturally have your left foot move forward and to your
left (to 10:30) as your left hand delivers an inward parries to the outside of opponent's right wrist.
2. While the overhead attack is still in motion, pivot to your right into a horse as your right hand assists your left in following the force of your opponent's knife hand. While still following the knife hand and without losing momentum, pivot to your left (into a left neutral) and jam the knife into your opponent's right thigh.
3. Release your right hand check and deliver a right inward horizontal elbow to opponent's face or sternum (depending on his reaction) while executing a push drag forward (if necessary).
4. Have your right hand check (palm down) to continue pressing the knife into your
opponent's thigh as you deliver a left outward reverse tiger's mouth (palm up) to your opponent's Adam's apple.
5. Immediately switch both of your hands so that your left forearm now presses your
opponent's right arm as your left hand grabs and squeezes your opponent's testicles. Simultaneously have your right hand hook and pinch opponent's eyes (crab hand pinch).
6. Step (to 10:00) with your left foot as your right hand hooks inside of your left arm and
down to check opponent's knife hand as your left hand slides up your opponent's body striking to opponent's throat with a left outward diagonal inner wrist strike.
7. Immediately switch your left inner wrist strike to a shape of the crane as your right foot
steps through (to 10:00) dropping into a right kneel, thus forcing your opponent over your right leg to break his spine.
8. Almost simultaneous with the above move circle your right arm in a counter clockwise
manner and deliver a right downward diagonal hammer-fist across opponent's heart (knife should be released at this point).
9. Deliver a left thrusting heel palm to opponent's jaw (fingers pointed up) striking and
forcing opponent off your right knee (right hand checking opponent's right shoulder).
10. Right front crossover and cover out twice to 4:00.


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