Mallard Duck - HD Mini-Documentary

Описание к видео Mallard Duck - HD Mini-Documentary is my new mountain biking website. Check it out for more great adventures!

Transcript: "The Mallard is found around the world in North America, Europe, Asia, New Zealand and Australia.

This waterfowl prefers calm, shallow water in wetlands, small ponds and rivers. The Mallard is a dabbling duck which means that it feeds while floating on the surface of the water as opposed to diving for its meals. It feed mainly on aquatic vegetation, but will also eat insects.

This duck, along with the Muscovy Duck, are believed to be the ancestors of all domestic ducks.

The male, which is known as a drake, has a distinct green head with a yellowish-orange bill, while the female has a more natural light brown coat and dark brown bill.

Mating pairs will stay together until the female lays eggs. soon after, the male will leave.

Newly hatched ducklings are precocial which means they can swim and feed themselves from the moment they leave the eggs."


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