US troops around the globe will get Thanksgiving meal despite supply chain obstacles

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US troops around the globe will get Thanksgiving meal despite supply chain obstacles

(CNN)Almost 60,000 pounds of roasted turkeys, over 38,000 pounds of sweet potatoes and over 68,000 pies and cakes were shipped around the world by the Department of Defense's Logistics Agency to make sure American service members stationed in the US and across the globe will have a Thanksgiving meal.

The Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support team starts working on coordinating the annual Thanksgiving meal for the troops in March, a release from the Department of Defense said.

We have been working with our vendors well in advance of the holiday — Robin Whaley to reduce chances that the necessary items won't be available on the big day — Robin Whaley

Thanksgiving is one of the most important meals we work on all year — Col. Larry Dean


As a proud member of the Army who has enjoyed these meals when I could not be home with my family.

It means so much to have that taste of home on Thanksgiving when you can't be there.

I just wanted to come by and say thank you — Austin



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