Spikeout Diary - 7/15/24 - A run gets to the basketball court...

Описание к видео Spikeout Diary - 7/15/24 - A run gets to the basketball court...

I haven't done an extended crack at Spikeout in years, so this may be the start of one, maybe not. I love random credits, but to really 1CC this game, the tractor beam has to suddenly hit me one day like it did with Slashout. It will eventually!

White is undeniably the solo 1CC character - just straightforward, fast and strong. I like Tenshin and stuck with him for years, but his issue is too many frames! You want as little engagement as possible and to stay paranoid safe, hard to do when spinning around in "style" and losing all your health.

So I went for a credit immediately after signing off from work and was happy to get to the basketball court. I've only done a couple runs recently, mostly ending at Curtis. The fight before him is rough since the camera isn't quite at the angles I'd like for judging distances. On top of that, the Model 3 Sewage doesn't help my overall equilibrium, like in my brain. So if I get to him all depleted and car sick from the sewage, my chances go into the dumps.

This run, however, I get by on the skin of my ass. In fact, the balance was going back and forth quite a bit until the Duck Tales triplets. Then I got the spacing manipulation off, kicked their asses, and strutted into the basketball court where I got got right before I could pop the Health Guy. It seems like all you should do to start is C4 C4 C4 and Pray, then get into some real fighting if you manage to whittle the crowd down.

The thing I never do - comboing into charge moves (holding charge and letting go right after a punch combo.) Just a habit I gotta get back into. I'm gonna go look at my Slashout 1cc and see if I even did it there lol

The thing I love to do - shoulder tackles. They seem really good if you have a crowd off screen. Double tap forward, make a U-turn, try to knock em down like pins. If you succeed then run directly into the crowd and jump kick to OTG any number of guys.

And that's the latest on spikeout.


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