Business Buying for Beginners 2023 | Jonathan Jay

Описание к видео Business Buying for Beginners 2023 | Jonathan Jay

Your free training on how to buy a business without cash is here:

Welcome to Business Buying for Beginners with Jonathan Jay. If you're curious about business acquisition and are looking to buy an existing small business or purchase a company, this webinar is for you.

In this session, we're going to take it back to basics and assume no prior knowledge of acquisition strategy or business mergers and acquisitions.

Whether you're a business owner looking to expand or someone who wants to get into business for the first time, Jonathan Jay will simplify the process and help you understand what's involved.

He shares insights and strategies on how to buy a company without using your own money, even if you don't have any personal savings or good credit. By the end of the session, you'll be clear on whether buying a business is the right move for you.

Jonathan Jay shares that buying a business is the fastest way to become more profitable. You can identify one or two businesses that, if bought, can be bolted on to your existing business to reach the next level within weeks.

Moreover, buying a business is easier, faster, and more cost-effective than starting one from scratch. With an existing business, you get an instant product or service, returning customers, and a marketing system that works.

Throughout this webinar, you'll gain valuable insights into the process of purchasing a business and develop the confidence to take the leap. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from a professional buyer and take your business dreams to the next level.


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