David Daokui LI - Demystifying China's World View

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Professor LI's new book is already recognized as one of the most important publications to illuminate how critical it is to understand China's ancient history stretching back four thousand years as well as its modern history (from 1840) to appreciate how China's leaders craft foreign policy. We will ask Dr. LI to explain to Polaris Live's readers what is the key reason that keeps the world's two most powerful countries permanently at daggers drawn. Was the Victorian era's writer Rudyard Kipling right after all when he wrote that "East is East and West is West, and Never the Twain Shall Meet !
David Daokui LI
Professor of Economics and Director of the Academic Center for Chinese Economic Practice and Thinking, Tsinghua University. He is former Chief Economist of the New Development Bank. Professor Li is a leading Chinese economist.

He also served as the founding Dean of the Schwarzman College of Tsinghua University from 2014 to 2017. His research and teaching cover a wide range of economic fields, including government and economics, economic development, comparative economics, and the Chinese economy.

He is the author of "China's World View: Demystifying China to Prevent Global Conflict."

00:00 Polaris-Live Introduction
01:24 Guest introduction
03:09 Year of the Dragon/Year of Changes
04:00 US Misunderstandings of China
6:24 Chinese Misunderstandings of US
09:58 American Dream is Alive in China
15:58 Emerging Economies Learn from Chinese Example
20:40 Sign up for Polaris Live alerts
20:58 Analogy between Taiwan and Hawaii
24:15 Bipartisan US Contingent to visit Taiwan
26:06 Hope that Both Sides Remain Cool
27:50 A New World Order?
29:22 Closing


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