Choice Cuts: John Carpenter Interview (8/2/11)

Описание к видео Choice Cuts: John Carpenter Interview (8/2/11)

Press conferences don't give you nearly enough time you want to chat with a filmmaker. When Shock wrapped The Ward press event, well, we wanted to talk a bit more with director John Carpenter. Of course, it didn't help that the conference got hijacked by press members who wanted to talk with star Amber Heard more about Playboy.

A few weeks later, we caught up to the main man at his office in Hollywood. And, as usual, he was game to talk about anything. Carpenter opens up about the industry, his fellow directors (and the new blood), horror fatigue, upcoming projects and whether he has anything left to say through the craft of filmmaking anymore. Subscribe to Shock Till You Drop:

Shock Till You Drop is your leading source for all things horror, including scary movies, trailers, behind the scenes footage, celebrity interviews and special effects secrets. Join Ryan Turek as we investigate all the latest films, video games, comic books and tv shows!


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