Описание к видео COATING INSPECTOR EXAM QUESTIONS VOL-1 I NACE I Bgas l SSPC l sandblasterexam

Sandblasting is process of smoothing and cleaning a hard surface by forcing solid particles across that surface at high speeds using compressed air. ... Sandblasting can remove paint, rust, and residue from oxidation from materials quickly and efficiently.

This program is designed for anyone pursuing a career in coatings inspection or that want to have a greater knowledge of protective coatings for any number of assets (pipelines, storage tanks, key infrastructure, and more). The curriculum is comprehensive and combines classroom study, discussion, and hands-on practice, the program provides a solid coatings foundation that strengthens the industry’s inspectors and their practices.
Registration and Scheduling
Sign in to your Pearson VUE web account
You must meet all of the eligibility criteria for your specialty in order for your application to be approved. For more information please visit “Frequently Asked Questions” Page.
Schedule your examination date.
You will receive a booking confirmation by email within 24 hours for the date and location that you will sit the exam. If you do not receive the booking confirmation within 24 hours or if any of the information is incorrect, please contact Pearson VUE immediately here
Print your booking confirmation and bring it with you to the test center.
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This program is designed for:

Coatings Inspectors
Coatings Applicators and Blasters
Specifiers, Owner’s representatives, and Technical salesmen

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