Hrifunes to the Glacier - Part 2: The Ring Road to Skaftafell

Описание к видео Hrifunes to the Glacier - Part 2: The Ring Road to Skaftafell

Experience the beauty of Iceland on a bright, cloudless morning as we embark on a picturesque drive from Hrífunes Nature Park to the stunning Skaftafell Glacier. In this video, our journey along Iceland’s Ring Road (Highway 1, or Hringvegur) all the way to Skaftafell. Enjoy the breathtaking landscapes and majestic views of Iceland!

Don't forget to subscribe and check out the playlist for the rest of this drive, as well as other scenic Icelandic drives, including the phenomenal Highlands!

Interesting Facts:
***1) Road F206 (Lakavegur) to Mt. Laki: Mt. Laki, or Lakagígar, is famous for its volcanic fissure and one of the most catastrophic eruptions in recorded history. In 1783-1784, the Laki eruption produced massive lava flows and toxic gas emissions, leading to widespread environmental damage in Iceland and beyond. The eruption caused the death of around 50% of Iceland's livestock and resulted in a severe famine, killing about a quarter of the population. Globally, the eruption affected climate patterns, leading to what was known as the "Laki haze," causing crop failures and harsh winters in Europe and North America. Today, Mt. Laki is part of the Vatnajökull National Park and is a popular hiking destination.
***2) The abandoned bridges: The bridges on Highway 1 in the Fljótshverfi area had to be rebuilt following the dramatic landscape changes caused by the 1996 volcanic eruption under the Vatnajökull glacier. This eruption triggered a massive glacial flood (jökulhlaup) that sent torrents of meltwater, ice, and volcanic debris racing down the Skaftá River, destroying existing infrastructure. The floodwaters washed away several bridges and reshaped the surrounding terrain, prompting the construction of new, sturdier bridges to adapt to the altered river channels and to ensure safer crossings for future events.

Route Notes:
0:00 - Start Point: Ring Road intersection with Road 208
3:21 - Árkvíslár river
11:03 - F206 to Mt. Laki. The story of Mt. Laki's eruption
14:18 - The village of Kirkjubæjarklaustur
32:03 - Road 201
32:36 - Kálfafell
35:35 - Mountain Lómagnúpur
38:44 - Abandoned bridges
53:23 - The glacier view
56:01 - Turn to the mountain center
1:00:25 - The Skaftafell gas station
1:00:50 - End point


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