Tomba! and Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return | PS1 Cutscenes | 4K A.I. Upscale

Описание к видео Tomba! and Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return | PS1 Cutscenes | 4K A.I. Upscale

December 25, 2022 marks the 25th Anniversary of the Tomba franchise on the PlayStation 1. This is one of my favorite games growing up and because I can't do a proper review at the moment, here are the cutscenes upscaled instead. These files are ripped directly from the Tomba and Tomba 2 PS1 Disks at a resolution of 320x224. Then AI Upscaled with Topaz Video Enhance to 3840x2160 using the Low, Progressive, High Compression, Proteus - Fine Tune Preset. Not perfect but I think the 4K AI Upscale turned out as good as it can considering that the files were already heavily compressed just to fit on a PS1 Disk beforehand (if only the uncompressed renders were available)..... may be abit derpy but I'm also quite proud of that cheesy thumbnail I drew for this video too

Tomba! (Tombi!)
00:00 - LOGO
00:09 - OP_INST
01:43 - BOY
02:08 - MCC
02:14 - MIST
02:36 - 100US
03:07 - NOZOITE1
03:17 - NOZOITE2
03:30 - SORA1
03:42 - ARASHI
03:57 - HONOO2
04:13 - MANTION
04:28 - SORA2
04:40 - BUNMEI
04:55 - BUNMEI2
05:06 - HANA
05:21 - JUNGLE
05:37 - BAKKASU
05:52 - KARAKURI
06:08 - MILLION
06:23 - MABUTA
06:44 - END_US

Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return (Tomba: The Wild Adventures)
07:47 - LOGO
07:55 - OP
09:04 - END

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