The Future of Hoop Dancing (Full Day)

Описание к видео The Future of Hoop Dancing (Full Day)

#rd Annual Nakotah Larance Youth Hoop Dance Championship

Hello! My name is Aaron Tsosie, the guy behind the camera!
This is the farthest I've traveled for YouTube up to this point! I left Phoenix on Friday and stopped by The Jeddito Pow Wow. It started to rain a little, and it was enough for me to pack up my camera and continue my journey to Santa Fe to spend two days at The Nakotah Larance Youth Hoop Dance Championship Competition! Upon arrival, I saw one of the singers, Ryon, who knew of my work. He spoke to one of the event organizers, and together they decided to put me and my camera front and center! I'm so glad that worked out! One hand on my video camera, and the other on my photography camera. I was often distracted by working both cameras at the same time. One day, I'll have enough YouTube income to hire one of my friends as a photographer—that would be nice!

This video is super late because my computer was having issues rendering the long 5-hour video. In this competition, you'll see amazing exhibition performances from talented dancers like Derrick Davis, Lane Jenson, Tony Duncan, and ShanDien Larance. The Nakotah Larance Youth Hoop Dance Championship is a prestigious event held at the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The competition celebrates American Indian hoop dance and Pueblo hoop dance, supported by the Lightning Boy Foundation.

Thank you for watching! Please drop a thumbs up and subscribe to help bring my videos to a larger audience. Follow me on Instagram @IndigenousEventRecordings for more photos and updates!

*UPDATE finally got full video on youtube, I unlisted part 1 of this same video*

00:00-11:41 Grand Entry
11:41-18:42 Tiny Tots
18:42-1:52:52 Youth Category
1:52:52-2:34:54 Teen Category
2:34:54-2:44:45 Exhibition Dance Featuring 7 time Champion Derrick Davis
2:44:45-2:53:49 Exhibition Dance Featuring Lane Jensen
2:53:49-4:29:15 Teen Category
4:29:15-5:10:10 2nd round Youth Dancer Category
5:10:10-5:15:38 Grand Exit/End


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