無想民宿 Siheyuan Guest House in Remote Village

Описание к видео 無想民宿 Siheyuan Guest House in Remote Village

西北漢子餘平,曾花20年走遍中國100多個最美村落,拍下10萬多張照片。 2017年,他的好友胡守蓮包下南京一片荒村,請他改造成民宿,餘平把拆掉的土、木、磚、瓦、石都保留,材料不花一分錢,將新、老建築結合,造出最適合中國人居住的四合院,此房還得到日本建築師隈研吾的肯定。
Yu Ping, born in the northwest of China, has visited over 100 beautiful villages across the nation in the past two decades and has taken more than 100 thousand photos. In 2017, his good friend Hu Shoulian rented a dilapidated village in Nanjing and invited him to renovate it into a guest house. Yu reused the earth, wood, bricks, tiles and stones from the old buildings and built a Siheyuan that fits Chinese the most. The guest house is recognized by Japanese architect Kengo Kuma.

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