These Companion plants will make your Cauliflower Thrive

Описание к видео These Companion plants will make your Cauliflower Thrive

Learn the benefits of companion planting for your cauliflower garden in this informative video. Discover which plants complement cauliflower growth and help control pests.

From marigolds to dill, we'll show you the top companion plants to enhance your cauliflower's growth and flavor. Don't miss out on the opportunity to take your cauliflower garden to the next level.

0:00 Intro
1:22 Basil
1:58 Beets
2:35 Celery
3:07 Swiss Chard
3:40 Cucumber
4:12 Dill
4:45 Fennel
5:18 Garlic
5:54 Hyssop
6:28 Legumes
7:03 Marigolds
7:33 Mint
8:08 Nasturtium
8:43 Onions
9:20 Oregano

Visit our website for more companion planting tips and tricks.


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