Jamal Crawford - NBA 2K19 (Jumpshot Fix)

Описание к видео Jamal Crawford - NBA 2K19 (Jumpshot Fix)

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By no means should you feel obliged to donate. I will continue to put out quality content for you guys!! However, if you have the means to support my channel it would mean the world!


Working towards being the Number 1 channel for NBA Jumpshot Fix and 2K19 Shot and Shooting Content! MyPark and MyPlayer hopefully to come soon! Also I plan on testing and checking which NBA 2K19 jumpshot are the best in the game for easy perfect green release and which jump shots are the most difficult to master and shoot greens with. Always love to hear from you regarding new ideas for content and other NBA players jump shots I should fix! Gonna spice it up for NBA 2K20 as well. Let me know if you have donated so that I can shout you out in a comment!

Love You Guys!! You have been such a positive and motivating influence for me and this channel!!

THANK YOU – Travmania!

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NBA 2K19
DISCLAIMER - All clips property of the NBA. No copyright infringement is intended, all videos are edited to follow the "Free Use" guideline of YouTube.


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