Hex and decimal conversion

Описание к видео Hex and decimal conversion

In computing and network field, we should know at least four types of numeral systems. A numeral or number system is a way to represent numbers. We use the base-10 system, or decimal on a daily basis. Other three common numeral systems include base-2 binary, base-16 hex, or hexadecimal, and base-8 octal, or oct.
Today my topic is conversion of hexadecimal and decimal.

Practice and answers: from hex to decimal

Question 1: hex 22 is ____ in decimal? Answer: 34
Question 2: hex 2001 is ______ in decimal? Answer: 8193
Question 3: hex A59C is ______ in decimal? Answer: 42396

Decimal to hex Practice and answers:

Question 1: decimal 921 is _____ in hex. The answer is 399
Question 2: decimal 188 is ______ hex. The answer is BC
Playlist: IPv6 Basics
   • Hexadecimal and Binary Conversion  

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