Hikarimoyo Koi: Kujaku, Kikokuryo, Kin Kikokuryo | Know Your Koi Episode 7.2 | Next Day Koi

Описание к видео Hikarimoyo Koi: Kujaku, Kikokuryo, Kin Kikokuryo | Know Your Koi Episode 7.2 | Next Day Koi

Hikarimoyo (Hick-Ar-Ee-Moe-Yo) are multi-colored metallic koi. The term “Hikari” is translated as “metallic.” Indeed, it is a bright, metallic white that forms the base for each of the varieties of the Hikarimoyo.

The koi in this class are immediately eye-catching as a result of the bright sheen of the platinum (bright white) base. It is then one through four additional colors that make up the patterns on the koi, giving each variety its appearance.

The strength of the metallic white under the color can diffuse the color above it, making reds appear orange and making black look more grey. Hikarimoyo can be scaled or Doitsu, standard, or butterfly.

There are eight varieties of koi under the Hikarimoyo: Kikusui, Hariwake, Kujaku, Kikokuryu, Kin Kikokuryu, Beni Kikokuryu, Yamato Nishiki, Heisei Nishiki.

0:00 Intro
0:31 Kujaku
1:06 Kikokuryo & Kin Kikokuryo
2:02 Bonus

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