Maeve's story (Act on axial SpA)

Описание к видео Maeve's story (Act on axial SpA)

Donate to our NASS Winter Appeal today to help support people like Maeve: https://nass-winter-campaign.raisely....

Meet Maeve. She waited seven years for a diagnosis of axial SpA. While she waited, full-time work became impossible and she ended up relying on Universal Credit to survive.

Did you know that the average 8.5 year delay to diagnosis cost the UK economy £18.7 billion per year? Did you also know that a patient aged 26 who waits 8.5 years for a diagnosis is likely to lose around £187,000?

This needs to change. We're campaigning for a Gold Standard time to diagnosis time of just one year. By driving down the average diagnosis time to one year, the UK economy could save £167,000 per person. And people like Maeve could live well with axial SpA sooner.



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