"Mosquito Helicopter Ballet"

Описание к видео "Mosquito Helicopter Ballet"

All Ultralight Flying is minimalist in nature. In order to meet the weight requirements, structures and engines are pared down to the barest material needed for the strength required. They become models of aeronautical engineering.
One of the most complex of all flying systems is the helicopter. The mechanism used in order to allow the spinning wings (rotor) overhead to perform while the craft maintains forward motion is akin to the proverbial "Swiss Watch".
Tying both of these engineering challenges together is an elegant, spare, flying machine from Australia called "The Mosquito".
Doug Bryant of Wichita, Kansas dances his Mosquito through a variety of maneuvers in what Cameraman/Director/Editor Brian FitzGerald calls "Mosquito Helicopter Ballet". This music video is a segment of the movie "Ultralight Flying Millennium 2" by Brian FitzGerald. More on it can be seen here:


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