Propeller Overhauls

Описание к видео Propeller Overhauls

Most props have a Time Between Overhaul (TBO) of 2000-2400 hours and 60-72 months, whichever comes first. You’d have to average more than 400 hours/year for the hours to come first. For most of us, the months come first. For a typical GA airplane that flies 100 hours a year, the prop may come due for overhaul in less than 500 hours. Do we have to overhaul our props that often? Does it even make sense to do that? Mike Busch deconstructs these TBOs and offers specific money- and downtime-saving recommendations. Savvy Aviation offers Professional Maintenance Services to owners of General Aviation aircraft, such as: SavvyMx (Professional Maintenance Management), SavvyQA (Expert Consulting), SavvyPrebuy, SavvyAnalysis (Engine Data Analysis) and Breakdown Assistance. Savvy also publishes a monthly newsletter with lots of interesting information for the general aviation enthusiast; subscribe to it at For more information, visit us at This webinar was hosted by the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA).


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