Double Dragon Reloaded Alternate playthrough with Willy

Описание к видео Double Dragon Reloaded Alternate playthrough with Willy

This is a remake version of an old classic arcade game "Double Dragon" made by fans. You can download this game from:

影片使用 Windows 10 內建的遊戲 DVR 功能錄製。
Powered by Windows 10 game DVR.

這次我使用末關的帶機槍 boss 角色 Willy (William) 來通關。Willy 的攻擊招式很少,只有拿槍打、踢擊、開槍、對牆三角跳後踢擊共四種而已,而且開槍打死敵人和拿武器打死敵人一樣沒有分數,算是玩起來頗單調乏味的角色。
This time I choose the final boss Willy (William), a character carried powerful machine gun. Willy doesn't has many attacking skills: strike with gun, kick, fire with machine gun, and wall-rebounded jump kick. And firing enemies gets no points, same as beating enemy by weapons. He is not a funny character for play.


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