The TRUTH About GHOSTS - A Spiritual Perspective

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Are ghosts real? Do hauntings really happen, or is it all in the imagination of those making the claims? And if ghosts are real, what are they exactly? In this video I explain what is a ghost. So if you like scary videos, then this one is all about ghosts - and scary stuff! Alright, maybe not that scary. I more or less explain ghosts from the perspective of people who were actually ghosts. Dr. Michael Newton regressed thousands of people under hypnosis to the between life state and to their past lives. Some of them claim to have been ghosts. This is a good thing because Dr. Newton was able to get answers to questions such as to why ghosts haunt and why ghosts exist. Watch this whole ghost video to find out what these people had to say. The answers may surprise you. Big ups to everyone who supports the channel. Don't forget to check out my other channel Bend The Spoon. Just type it into youtube search and you'll see it. If you can, please support the channel at the links below and subscribe today so youtube can unsubscribe you tomorrow. Thanks.

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