Fastpitch Pitching Drill: Learning how to drive and drag with a healthy drag.

Описание к видео Fastpitch Pitching Drill: Learning how to drive and drag with a healthy drag.

I’m sure by now if you’re a pitcher or the parent of a pitcher you have seen pitchers look like their drive foot ankle is actually broken as they’re dragging and at the end of their pitch it looks like they’re bowling.
This is just another piece of proof that your front side will dictate your backside in your pitch.
Now as far as the drive foot leaving the ground that is not something that I agree with bio mechanically with my medical back ground on how women are buit structurally vs how men are built.
I am a firm believer of if it’s not broken don’t fix it.
So if you find that you are a pitcher who is wanting to leave her drive foot intact with the ground on her big toe then this drill is for you.
However, if you are a pitcher who wants to leap well, this is not for you.
Just like opinions everyone’s got them. This is just my medical back ground & my personal experience as a former collegiate pitcher and also an elite international professional bass pitch pitching coach of almost 30 years.

Go ahead give this one a shot!
It definitely tals into different ways to learn how to feel and how to move in such ways that are going to keep you or your daughter healthy as a picture for a longer and decrease chance of injury in her career.

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