Combining CBD with THC

Описание к видео Combining CBD with THC

How to get the most out of combining THC with CBD for medicine.
0:00 intro
0:30 medical marijuana ingredients
1:00 active ingredients
1:33 effects of cbd and thc
2:04 Reactions to combining cbd and thc
3:32 what is a dose relationship

Hi. Welcome to Duber Medical. I'm Dr. Morris, chief Medical Officer. Today we're gonna talk and learn a little bit more about the combinations of products that we can get from a dispensary, because cannabis as a medicine helps many of our patients, our doctors at Duber Medical know these ingredients, and we wanna help you learn about them so you can choose products to make yourself feel. Well, we've already covered that.

The active ingredient medical marijuana is T H C Tetrahydrocannabinol. It comes in several strains, which was covered in our earlier lecture. Now we're gonna talk about adding another component. C B D, many of you are familiar with this as it's over the counter. Many of our patients have tried it and found that C B D is a good product, but in isolation, it's very mild. C B D is from the other half of the plant.

It has anti-anxiety effects. It has anti-inflammatory effects giving you pain relief. It's just very mild. If we think of the marijuana, half of the plant, the T H c is stronger. It gives us that same anti-anxiety and anti-inflammatory, but in higher doses. So historically, we've always thought of them as opposite. Fortunately, some scientists have decided to examine what happens when you put them together, and what we've learned is when you put the two compounds together, the brain receptors really like it.

The brain receptors see both halves of the plant as higher doses. It's like you took the C B D half and squeezed more juice out of it, and the C B D helped the T H C half squeeze more juice out of that. But it's an interesting reaction. So adding C B D to your marijuana does give you more pain relief and more anxiety relief.

But there's some other things to learn about it as well. There's a dose relationship. So what this means when you're at the dispensary, if they ask you, would you like C B D? With that, your answer isn't just yes, but yes. And how much? There are two ways to request it. One is called one to one. That means it's the same amount of C B D as matching your amount of T H C, your active ingredient from your marijuana. These are also called 50 50. It's not that you lost the marijuana half the T H C half, it's that the C B D was added at a one-to-one ratio.

The medications have a very positive effect with the increased pain relief, increased anxiety relief, but something else happens at the one-to-one dose. The C B D works on the t h c half to protect the brain from cognitive impairment. What this means is now you have a product where you can get a lot of pain relief and a lot of anxiety relief, but without that impairment, you can still walk and chew gum. This gives you more control over your symptoms. Now, many patients do microdosing with these com, these combinations as well. The alternative, that's one way to request C B D. The other area where we have patient success with C B D is what's called the addition of high dose C B D. High dose means it's a couple, few times.

The most common is called a five to one, but you can also see anywhere from three to one to seven to one. The different brands have different amounts, but in the concept is it's gobs or several times more. C B D on T H C, again, that's going to have a lot more anti-inflammatory effect, a lot more pain relief, a lot more anxiety relief. But here, the C B D works on the T H C to prolong how long it works. This combination of high-dose C B D with in indica is very, very popular and inedible to give you a good night's sleep and help you stay asleep without waking up. These are the reasons why patients like to combine C B D with T H C in some of their products. Come to us at Duber Medical and let our doctors help teach you how to use these combinations to improve your quality of life. We want you to heal better and feel better. Thanks and have a great day.


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