Bonita Canyon Campground (and Chiricahua National Monument)

Описание к видео Bonita Canyon Campground (and Chiricahua National Monument)

In the fall of 2022, we went camping at Bonita Canyon Campground. So far, it is our favorite campground, just an incredible and beautiful place. We also went and visited the Chiricahua National Monument. Nothing I can say, no words I can type - and no video we can show - would do this place justice! Just one of the most incredible places we have ever seen! It might even rival the Grand Canyon! Yes, it is THAT amazing! This was a truly amazing trip and we can't wait to go back and visit it.

Special thanks to ‪@CactusAtlas‬ for the campsite recommendation! We watched his video on this campground (because he makes some of the best campsite review videos in the world!) and got the one he recommended, and it was PERFECT! If you're gonna go camping, you need to check out his videos, or even go to his website ( No, this isn't a sponsor spot or anything like that. We don't know him, he doesn't know us (though he seems like a very nice person in his videos), we just like and rely on his videos very much!


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