Pastures by Neva Tesolin

Описание к видео Pastures by Neva Tesolin

Performed live by the Untitled Ensemble as part of our Land of Lakes Showcase performance on October 28, 2023.

Neva Tesolin on her string quartet, Pastures:

Through the pandemic years of isolation, war in Ukraine, and the
suffering of many through sickness, the desire to create music for peace and
comfort was foremost to me. Many ideas came through contemplation
during the dark hours of the morning, and the brain work of sleepless
nights. Shadows, dreams and sunrise.

The Pastorale begins with a solitary melodic invocation of serenity.
Entries by the other instruments begin discreetly and with balance. At
measure 31, hints of the first phrase of a 3 part, 14th century motet begin,
entitled Amour je doi servir (Anon), followed by the development of all
voices into livelier variations. At rehearsal H, there is an option for
improvised solos for violin and viola over the chordal base given. The
written solos can be played somewhat marcato and with a ‘loose’ feel.

Raven’s Light is an end of life passing. This second movement is for my
dear friend with ravens in her heart.


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