Wreck of the Portland - Discovery

Описание к видео Wreck of the Portland - Discovery

Over a decade before great ships like the Titanic were cruising the Atlantic, side-wheel steamers like the Portland were the pride of their respective fleets. The ships had a reliability advantage over sailing vessels and were the state-of-the-art luxury transportation of the time. On Thanksgiving weekend in November of 1898, the steamer Portland with 192 aboard, left Boston Harbor headed for Portland, Maine... but ran straight into a monstrous storm moving up the coast. The steamers were extremely unstable in high seas and the Portland was never seen again until its wreck was first located in 1989 and then, an expedition in 2002, using remotely operated vehicles, confirmed that it was indeed the Portland. Working with the Discovery Channel and David Clark Productions, Home Run Pictures produced 90 seconds of animation visualizing what scientist believe may have been the fate of the Portland. The steamer's long, narrow shape and shallow draft probably caused its crew to loose control in the rough seas... so they could not keep the steamer's bow pointing into the oncoming waves. Imagery of the wreck shows the top deck was ripped off... possibly by a rogue wave.


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