UCSF Neurosurgery Inpatient Caregiver Program: Taking Care of You

Описание к видео UCSF Neurosurgery Inpatient Caregiver Program: Taking Care of You

The UCSF Neurosurgery Inpatient Caregiver Program prepares caregivers for taking care of the patient between the time of discharge and the patient's first visit to our neuro-oncology clinic.This video provides information about postoperative caregiving, particularly for the first 2-3 weeks after surgery. The goal of this presentation is to prepare family members for their roles as caregivers, and to give them information on what to expect. Ultimately, this helps improve the patient's transition from the hospital to home, and reduce postoperative issues during recovery.

TABLE OF CONTENTS - click on links below to jump to specific sections of the video

00:10 Introduction
00:50 Role of the Caregiver
02:32 Upon Discharge
03:09 Discharge Medications
04:15 Patient Discharge Information: Medications
04:33 Keeping Track of Medications
05:45 Medications Commonly Prescribed After Brain Surgery
06:32 Dexamethasone
07:43 Anti-Seizure Drugs
09:06 Discharge Instructions
09:36 What to Expect at Home
10:07 Headaches
11:09 Neurological Changes
12:11 Potential Complications: Seizure
13:22 What To Do in the Case of a Seizure
15:54 What To Do After a Seizure
17:04 Seizure Summary
17:44 Potential Complications: Blood Clot
18:51 Potential Complications: Wound Complications
19:35 Managing Care at Home
20:18 Discharge Paperwork
20:42 Who to Call for Help
21:32 When to Call for Help
22:40 Effect of the Role on the Caregiver
23:04 Organizing
24:08 Prioritizing Tasks
26:48 Things to Consider
28:32 Getting Help
29:09 Taking Care of Yourself
31:03 Additional Resources
31:32 Acknowledgements
31:46 Survey (go to: https://tiny.ucsf.edu/CGsurvey)


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