നിങ്ങളെ ഒറ്റപ്പെടുത്തുന്ന നാർസിസിസ്റ് | Smear campaign | Narcissistic relationship Malayalam

Описание к видео നിങ്ങളെ ഒറ്റപ്പെടുത്തുന്ന നാർസിസിസ്റ് | Smear campaign | Narcissistic relationship Malayalam

A smear campaign is an organized, intentional form of character
assassination designed to discredit someone within his or her family,
social circle, community, profession, or even the public at large.
Smear campaigns happen in many settings, such as politics or
places of business. They are often irresistible to narcissists as a way
1. Justify their actions
2. Control the narrative
3. Mount a preemptive strike
4. Influence others to take their side
5. Play the victim
6. Get the upper hand
7. Derive sadistic enjoyment
8. Sabotage a “competitor”
9. Punish
10. Look superior
Narcissists may smear another person because that person
knows things they don’t want known, they are trying to shift blame for
their own bad behavior, or they are taking revenge. They also may
conduct a smear campaign for lesser reasons, such as jealousy,
resentment, or small slights. Whatever the reason, narcissists,
lacking a moral compass, can be quite calculating and ruthless in
discrediting and socially isolating a target. They may use innuendo,
gossip, distortions, omissions, and outright lies to cast doubt and
blame where it does not belong. A narcissist may smear an ex to
their children, a scapegoated child to relatives and friends, or a
colleague to other colleagues. The smear campaign usually happens
behind the target’s back and often with the assistance of the
narcissist’s enablers/flying monkeys.


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