Radiant Absolute Inferno King Grimm

Описание к видео Radiant Absolute Inferno King Grimm

I ended up doing it radiant twice because on my first win I implemented no new strats at all and that's doesn't feel like a deserved win, that's why I did upload the second win (this one), which brings Cyclone and Great Slash strats into the mix, Cyclone deals massive damage in the bats attack, I also added some more reliability in the spike floor attacks that go after the first phase since if you stay near the corners you won't get hit by the spikes and there's no need to think of a sefe-spot. Dashmaster is OP. I may revisit this boss in the future with a Nail Arts Only, for now I'll leave it like that.

Charms: Nailmaster's Glory, Dashmaster, Sprintmaster, Longnail, Fragile Strength, Steady Body and Soul Eater.


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