
Описание к видео 放假这么长时间就带宫子瑞上趟人工湖

大家好!我是壹位來自中國東北黑龍江的 YouTube 頻道博主,非常高興能在這裏和大家分享我的幸福家庭生活!😀


感謝大家的支持!讓我們壹起在 YouTube 上建立壹個溫馨的大家庭吧!💕

Hello everyone! I'm a YouTube blogger from Heilongjiang, Northeast China, and I'm excited to be here to share my happy family life with you! 😀

I will share our family's daily life on my channel, including food cooking, parent-child activities, travel adventures, etc., hoping to bring joy and inspiration to everyone. At the same time, I would love to interact with you and hear your stories and suggestions.

Thank you all for your support! Let's build a big family together on YouTube! 💕

   / @gongyangdepingdao  


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