ADHD and Jail - Why Are so Many People With ADHD in Jail?

Описание к видео ADHD and Jail - Why Are so Many People With ADHD in Jail?

Main Chapters:
00:00 Intro - ADHD and Jail
00:10 Take home message
01:46 Context and Statistics on Mental Health and Jail / Prison
06:35 Importance of Recognizing ADHD
09:10 ADHD and Criminality / Incarceration
14:04 Treating ADHD in Jail
18:53 Clinical Experience
21:40 Conclusion

ADHD is strongly overrepresented among those imprisoned, with one meta-analysis indicating that a quarter of those in jail or prison worldwide have ADHD. Some have suggested that this is because of a strong association between ADHD and substance abuse, personality disorders (including antisocial personality disorder) and other mental health conditions. But there is good reason to think that cardinal features of ADHD, including impulsivity, inattentiveness, emotional volatility, and poor planning, contribute to people with ADHD breaking the law more often, and ending up in the penal system.

In the US, the prison system is the largest provider of mental health care, and substantial research indicates that ADHD is widely under-diagnosed there. Proper identification of those with ADHD can enhance self-awareness and self-esteem. Appropriate treatment of ADHD can increase compliance with prison rules, reduce time incarcerated, and decrease recidivism rates after release. Yet stimulants can’t be prescribed in most jails or prisons.

Free link to my Medium article on ADHD and Jail:

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Randomised controlled trial of the short-term effects of OROS-methylphenidate on ADHD symptoms and behavioural outcomes in young male prisoners with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (CIAO-II) (2022)

Methylphenidate for prison inmates with ADHD: yes or no? (2022)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the Prison System (2019)

Co-morbid psychiatric disorders among incarcerated ADHD populations: a meta-analysis (2015)

Full Chapter list:
00:00 Intro - ADHD and Jail
00:10 Take home message
01:46 Context and Statistics on Mental Health and Jail / Prison
03:01 Age / Gender / Sex
04:30 Study on Mental Health and Jail
06:35 Importance of Recognizing ADHD
07:57 ADHD and Violence
09:10 ADHD and Criminality / Incarceration
10:02 Hyperactivity / Emotional Volatility
11:15 Likeliness of Getting Caught / Socioeconomic Status
12:38 Substance Abuse / Personality Disorders
14:04 Treating ADHD in Jail
14:46 Study on Stimulants in Jail
17:15 Study Analysis
18:53 Clinical Experience
21:40 Conclusion
21:53 Outro

Streamed live November 29, 2023


Psychiatrist, neuroscientist, and author John Kruse, MD, PhD presents practical, actionable, well-researched information about treatment options that scientists and clinicians recommend for adult ADHD and other mental health conditions. Subscribe if you're curious about how neuro-atypical brains can optimize their functioning in our shared, and somewhat strange, world.

Dr. Kruse has posted talks in both the "live" and the "video" sections of this channel. Thumbnails on ADHD topics have a pink background, and those on more general mental health topics have a purple background. A small collection of ADHD-Trump videos have an orange background.

You're welcome to email him with topics you want discussed or people you think he should interview.

[email protected]

#health #mentalhealth #adhd #jail


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