Cherry Bomb Vol. 4 (Future Funk // Citypop // Vaporfunk) Dance Mix

Описание к видео Cherry Bomb Vol. 4 (Future Funk // Citypop // Vaporfunk) Dance Mix

Get ready to don your glitteriest leg warmers and neon windbreakers because Cherry Bomb Volume 4 is about to blast you into a dance frenzy straight out of the late '80s and early '90s! This future funk, vaporfunk, and citypop mix is the sonic time machine you didn’t know you needed.

Cherry Bomb Volume 4 is like a Care Bear Stare of funky basslines and synths so sweet, they'll rot your teeth. With tracks smoother than your uncle's mullet and more bounce than a game of POGs, this mix promises to teleport you to a dimension where the disco ball is always spinning, the dance floor is forever packed, and your moves are as fresh as the Prince of Bel-Air.

So, strap on those VR goggles, hit play, and get ready to dance like nobody's watching—because in this retro-futuristic party utopia, it's always Saturday night and the fun never stops!

#futurefunk #dance #party


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