Wool hand spinning directly off the sheep - with Navajo spindle - raw fleece

Описание к видео Wool hand spinning directly off the sheep - with Navajo spindle - raw fleece

Like rooing - but differently .....
I have seen people spin directly off an Angora rabbit. I do have these animals, but mine can't be plucked because they are German Angoras :-(( PLucking can only be done if an animal has a natural shedding of fleece and in the shedding period.
But.....I do have Shetland sheep - and because they are primitive sheep they haven't lost the ability to shed. They shed their wool every summer! If I want to spin the wool, I have to either pick it from the pasture (dirty!) or roo it off the sheep prior to losing it.
It doesn't hurt the animal, for it is already lose wool and just has to come out of in between the new fleece that is already growing in.
So, when I rooed my ewe Norit today, I brought my Navajo spindle and gave it a try !
It works - she was very interested and stood still for a few minutes. Just enough to show you that it can be done: spinning off the sheep, directly, without shearing ;-))
Shetlandschaapje Norit moest geplukt worden. deze schapen ruien zelf hun wol uit in de zomer. Ik wil ermee spinnen dus moet ik het plukken voordat het in de wei ligt vies te worden. Omdat mijn konijnen niet ruien, maar altijd geschoren worden, wilde ik wel eens van een schaapje proberen te spinnen. Met behulp van een van mijn Navajo spintollen is het gelukt. Norit bleef belangstellend stil staan gelukkig - net lang genoeg om een klein filmpje te maken ;-))


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