Script Supervisors: Unsung Heroes of Film & TV | 2021 NWFFest Panel

Описание к видео Script Supervisors: Unsung Heroes of Film & TV | 2021 NWFFest Panel

Script Supervisors are a rarely acknowledged and female-dominated department head position that work closely with the director (and often save the day). Holding the entire movie in their head, they make sure everything from costumes and screen direction to actor’s emotions are correct, and that every needed setup gets shot. A key member of the team and the editor’s representative on set, yet non-union and low budget productions often undervalue the position, to their peril. Join a panel of experienced Script Supervisors to learn why no one should ever shout “Action” without one.

Learn more about the panel on the NWFFest website:

Moderator —
Caryn Ruby

Panelists —
Hannah Driscoll
, Dawn Gilliam,
Penny Patrick
, Ashley Patterson
, Shadia Sepehrnia
, & Sharon Watt

Tech Producers —
Jemsen Yumico Bollozos
(Exec. Committee, Co-Founder of Eccentric Artists)
Veronica Castillo
(Exec. Committee, Co-Founder of Eccentric Artists)


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