Akbar's return after the journey: and Fatimah is extremely curious about him

Описание к видео Akbar's return after the journey: and Fatimah is extremely curious about him

After an adventurous overnight trip, Akbar returned home. The autumn air and the smell of rain filled the house. Fatemeh, his wife, was standing at the threshold of the door and was looking towards the door with eyes full of expectation. He could not hide his feelings; There was a passion in his heart that he did not know how to justify.

Akbar, who entered the house with the things he had bought in the store in his hand and a smile on his face, and noticed Fatima's anger, became worried.

Akbar, who noticed his wife's concern, calmly said: "Fateme, everything is fine." "I had a good trip and nothing was out of the ordinary." But Fatima was still not convinced. He carefully looked at Akbar's face and tried to find any sign of concealment.

Fatima decided to ask him directly: "Akbar, tell the truth, did you meet anyone on this trip?" This question clearly showed his deep concern. Akbar looked at him with surprise and said: "Why did such a thing come to your mind?" "I was just with my friends for one night."

"I know," Fatemeh said with a trembling voice, "but humans may change or make new decisions on journeys. "I'm just worried that you're not looking for another woman." This sentence hit Akbar's heart like an arrow. He could not imagine that his wife would have such an idea about him.

Akbar calmly and honestly said: "Fateme, you are my best wife and nothing can replace you." During this trip, I was only thinking about work and there was nothing but you in my mind." He took Fatima's hand and continued: "Let me tell you the details of the trip."

Fatima, who was now a little calmer, listened to Akbar's words. He began to describe the various cities he had seen, the locals he had spoken to, and the interesting experiences he had had. The more she talked, the less worried Fatima was and instead she felt more happy and confident.

Finally, Akbar said with a smile: "Fateme Jan, you are always in my heart and nothing can change this fact. I came home because of you." This sentence not only solved Fatima's worries but also strengthened the love and trust between them.

Over time, Fatemeh realized that every trip has its own stories and the most important story is the story of love and trust between them.

1. #Love
2. #Trust
3. #Family
4. #travel
5. #wife
6. #concern
7. #Friendship
8. #Curiosity
9. #Life
10. #story
11. #Emotions
12. #link
13. #Empathy
14. #conversation
15. #understanding
16. #memories
17. #attachment
18. #Autumn
19. #Return
20. #Commitment
21. #Relationships
22. #Love
23. #life_together
24. #romantic_journeys
25. #Challenges
26. #Experience
27. #happiness
28. #Support
29. #Intimacy
30. #Romantic_Questions
31. #marriage_understanding
32. #peace
33. #feeling_of_security
34. #honest_conversation
35. #endless_love
36. #positive_view
37. #Happiness
38. #learning_from_travel
39. #Company
40. #Mixed_emotions
41. #life_story
42. #Life_experiences
43. #friendship_and_love
44. #family_trips
45. #Gratitude
46. #Improvement_of_relationships
47. #Romantic_problems
48. #special_moments


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