Kallithea gyroplane doing advanced pattern training... with ATC audio.

Описание к видео Kallithea gyroplane doing advanced pattern training... with ATC audio.

As the winds died down in the evening,it was time for some advanced pattern training. The airport was not too busy, which allowed me to do a variery of approaches that help me gain a better understanding of my personal skills and the capabilities of the gyroplane.

Just for a reference:
Whiteman Airport elavation - 1.003 feet
Best glide/climb speed for this gyroplane - 55 KIAS
Fuel onboard - 8 gallons
Pilot weight - ~200 lbs., inclulding flight bag
Engine - Rotax 915iS
Rotor system - Averso Stela rotor blades, 8.6 m diameter


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