The Only Thing Tighter Than Astolfo

Описание к видео The Only Thing Tighter Than Astolfo

Tempus | Solly VENUS "PUNISHED" map run 1:38:55.69 WR +1:35:34.44
Tempus | Now ranked 84/86 on Map!
Tempus | Gained 200.0 Soldier points!

IDK the total amount of time I spent on this, I really do not want to think about it, but this jump probably isn't that hard in reality just I did it wrong over and over. After I realized my biggest mistake I got 3 attempts where it was MORE then viable in a bit more than a hour.

First off, the most important thing is to go as far right as possible and also hit the wall like a bull, u might think u need to actively strafe a bit to conserve hort speed like i thought b4 today, but in reality, if u are doing the setup well you will get carried to the left and can just hold a and wait for u to get your next rocket. Optimally, u probably get around 300ish u/sH. ITS really important that u do not nuke the wallsync for the start too since u need a dogshit catch that doesn't nuke on vertical speed since u cant wallshot into the hole if u BONK, most new completions do the wallsync fully crouched but my scuffed method is to just aim really low I'm bad at it on both of my rockets and time the rj horribly as i distance myself from the wall. Doing the wallsync more to the left like how slox and cygnus does it prolly makes getting into the hole easier since u should have more hort speed doing the wallshot into the hole but I got tired of doing that, i also ctap my wallsync btw which should make u go lower which is helpful ofc. in the hole i go for a Linuxbug on both my attempts, basically u do what u do for wallbugs but crouch after u bleed your speed, so u do w d into w a or vice versa, also uncrouch during this tho u dont have too necassarly and crouch, u saw what happens and it is pretty safe tho the climb is virtually unfailable disregard what happened to me holes are a problem-solving puzzle where if the hole is hard. and u don't get it u can get hardstuck for basically forever, but if u get the theory and know what u need to do in practice all holes become less scary. that said if u are one of the people that has endlessly grinded the hole and have never hit it im sorry, never stop believing just change the theory and the jump becomes simple.

Shoutout to cheeseburgers to explaining how to do speed2hole to a completely different person which gave me the insight not being a fucking idiot to get in there.

and is next after i fucking kill kowiau.


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