Crash Bandicoot - Stage 18: Heavy Machinery (Gem Get)

Описание к видео Crash Bandicoot - Stage 18: Heavy Machinery (Gem Get)

The first stage of this last island has Crash start off in an industrial factory. Everywhere inside, there a scope drones, wheel drones, spiked drones, and extremely red-hot pipes.

There's secret area located under where the two spiked drones are near the beginning that has some boxes to smash. When I first played through this level a few years back, it took me a long time to figure this out.

This stage has the Tawna bonus and yet another N.Brio bonus.

Now check out my own run through this level fancy stage in PSQuadruple HD!:
   • Crash Bandicoot 1 (N-Sane Trilogy) - ...  


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