Discus Tank - 120g - December 19, 2011

Описание к видео Discus Tank - 120g - December 19, 2011

120g Tank - 12 Stendker Discus, 1 Albino bristle-nose pleco. Manzanita wood decorations. 2 Hydor Evo 1400 power heads to do 30 min debris sweep every few hours. Dual 1" overflow box down to the sump.
55g Sump - Overflow drains into a small chamber separated from the rest of the sump with Poret filter foam (4" think coarse pad and 2 2" thick fine pads - about 12"x19" width x height). Rest is one big chamber filled with roughly 1000 bio balls (really too much, but I had them so using :). Have air pumps pushing air right under the bio balls to keep water moving between them and 2 AquaClear 110 dumping water on top of them. Two 300w Hydor heaters controlled by Ranco set at 83F. Auto top off float valve to keep water level in the sump constant. Single Koralia 3 at the bottom of the sump to move any possible debris there and in general for water circulation. Finally, Mag 7 pump returns water back to the main tank.


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