1CCBBH - 343. Legend of Success Joe (1 Credit Clear)

Описание к видео 1CCBBH - 343. Legend of Success Joe (1 Credit Clear)

Another game that's often thought of as one of the worst games on the Neo-Geo. It looks like shit, it sounds like shit, and the gameplay... well, there sort of is some method to this madness, but figuring out consistent strats for some of these stages is rough. I didn't completely hate myself at the end of this though. At least it's mercifully short!

The full archive of 1CCBBH Episode 52 can be found at:   / 1168453818  

1CCBBH is my new stream project in which I'm attempting to clear as many arcade games as possible on 1 credit, without continues. I am currently going through a bunch of games I've cleared before, and eventually will be tackling some new games I hadn't gotten a 1CC on yet.

1CCBBH is streamed live every Monday at 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern   / lordbbh  

Playlist of all games cleared so far on 1CCBBH -    • 1CCBBH  

Spreadsheet of all games cleared so far on 1CCBBH - http://lordbbh.rustedlogic.net/1ccbbh


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