CC to MC Import Test

Описание к видео CC to MC Import Test

Programming Languages used:
CE Assembly - to grab and store realm data
Lua - to write data from memory into a formatted txt file
Python - to read formatted txt and create a .litematic type file equivalent

Cubic Castles realm (world) data is collected using a Cheat Engine script that runs iteratively over each block as it is being stored in the computers's RAM. The ID of blocks is 4 bytes hex, the first byte representing the block's seed (which defines variation, facing direction, etc), and the last 3 bytes representing the base ID of the block.

When iterating through the blocks, the Cheat Engine script records the x, y and z coordinate of the current block along with its seed and block ID. The address of the stored bytes is then run through a Lua script to write it to a .txt file that will be read later on by a third script.

The third script is run in Python, which uses the Litemapy package. This package allows us to create .litematic type files via code, which we can then import to Minecraft using the Litematica mod. The blocks are then matched to the programmer's discretion according to which blocks resembles it the closest using a giant switch case. Ex: Tropical Grass (ID 302) → "minecraft:grass_block"

Once the program is run, it saves the result into the corresponding Minecraft folder that is running Litematica mod, and we are able to paste the schematic of the Cubic Castles realm from there on.

#minecraft #cubiccastles #python #cheatengine #lua #litematica


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