洪健鈞 X Brannen Brothers All 14K Rose Gold Flute【 T.Boehm: Grand Polonaise, Op. 16 】|| 長笛演奏

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【 Brannen Brothers All 14K Rose Gold Flute 】

Brannen Brothers手工長笛為當代頂級長笛代表,本影片特別邀請長笛家洪健鈞示範演奏全14K玫瑰金手工長笛,透過24位元高解析錄音,您可以聆聽Brannen Brothers手工長笛的絕妙音色。

T.Boehm: Grand Polonaise, Op. 16

【 洪健鈞 Chien-Chun Hung 】

五項國際長笛比賽得主,洪健鈞曾就讀於德國柏林藝術大學,師事德國著名長笛家Prof. Roswitha Staege與Prof. Werner Tast以最高分成績分別取得學士學位及獨奏家碩士學位。於2017年考入紐倫堡音樂學院最高演奏文憑班,師事Prof. Anne-Cathérine Heinzmann,並以特優殊榮畢業於該校。留學期間亦曾獲得保羅·亨德密特基金會以及DAAD(德意志學術交流中心)獎學金



Hung Chien-Chun

Born in Taichung, Taiwan, Hung Chien-Chun received his first professional music education at Nantou Senior High School. He was admitted to the Berlin University of Arts in 2011, studying with Roswitha Staege and Werner Tast. He obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in 2015 and 2017 respectively with the highest score in all majority examinations, and received scholarships from Paul-Hindemith-Society, Ad Infinitum Foundation and Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst.

Hung won prizes at numerous international competitions, including First Prizes at the Vienna Grand Prize Virtuoso International Music Competition, Portugal Atlantic Coast International Young Soloist Competition and the Bertold Hummel Competition (Flute) in 2015, and Second Prize at the Stockholm International Music Competition in 2014.
In Taiwan, Hung was a member of the National Taiwan Youth Symphony Orchestra and the National Taiwan Youth Wind Orchestra. In Germany, he was Principal Flutie of the Symphony Orchestra of Berlin University of the Arts and the Young Euro Classic Festival Orchestra. In 2016-2017, he played with Göttinger Symphony Orchestra as a trainee flutist. He was also invited by Paul-Hindemith Society, International Isang Yun Society and German Flute Association to perform as a soloist and chamber musician during his stay in Germany.

International Flute Competition Awards:

1. Prize:

The 1st Hong Kong International flute competition 2019
Vienna Grand Prize Virtuoso International Music Competition 2015
Portugal Atlantic Coast International Young Soloist Competition 2015
Bertold Hummel Competition (Flute) 2015

2. Prize:
Stockholm International Music Competition 2014

#線上音樂會 #Brannen #長笛演奏


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