(ENG/ VIE Subtitle)《錦衣之下 Under the Power》第15集(任嘉倫, 譚松韻, 韓棟, 葉青)

Описание к видео (ENG/ VIE Subtitle)《錦衣之下 Under the Power》第15集(任嘉倫, 譚松韻, 韓棟, 葉青)

天赋异禀的六扇门女捕快袁今夏(谭松韵 饰)因为一桩案件和性情狠辣的锦衣卫陆绎(任嘉伦 饰)结下梁子,今夏本以为此生与他再无交集,奈何冤家路窄。朝廷十万两修河款不翼而飞,今夏奉命协助陆绎一起下扬州查案,替朝廷找回丢失的官银。本是道不同不相为谋,却因惊天密案联手。两人从势同水火到刮目相看再到情难自已,命运的齿轮从此旋转在一起。然而事与愿违,今夏竟是当年夏言案的遗孤,背负家族血仇的她与陆绎之间横生了无法跨越的鸿沟。最后,两个有情人历经苦难,为救百姓、抗倭寇、锄奸佞,放下家族仇怨,联手对敌,冲破世俗枷锁,勇敢地走到了一起。

The talented six-door female detective Yuan Jinxia (played by Tan Songyun) fell in love with the ruthless Jin Yiwei Lu Yi (played by Ren Jialun) because of a case. She thought she would never have anything to do with him again in this life, but the road between enemies is narrow. The imperial court's 100,000 taels of river repair money disappeared. This summer, he was ordered to assist Lu Yi in going to Yangzhou to investigate the case and recover the lost official silver for the imperial court. Originally they were from different walks of life, but they joined forces because of a shocking secret case. The two went from being incompatible to admiring each other to falling in love with each other, and the gears of fate rotated together from then on. However, contrary to expectations, Jin Xia turned out to be the orphan of Xia Yan's case that year. There was an unbridgeable gap between her and Lu Yi who were burdened with family blood feud. In the end, the two lovers went through hardships, put aside their family grudges, joined forces to fight against the enemy, broke through the shackles of the world, and came together bravely in order to save the people, fight against Japanese pirates, and eliminate traitors.

#Vietnamese & English Subtitle #UnderthePower #錦衣之下 #任嘉倫 #譚松韻 #韓棟 #葉青

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