iPhone 7 Plus Vs DSLR (Canon 80D) Camera comparison - Photos and Videos

Описание к видео iPhone 7 Plus Vs DSLR (Canon 80D) Camera comparison - Photos and Videos

iPhone 7 Plus VS DSLR camera comparison for photos and videos. Is the new iPhone 7 Plus as good as the Canon 80D DSLR? Find out in this video!

In this shootout, I'm testing to see how good the new dual lens camera system is on Apple's latest iPhone 7 Plus. Smartphone cameras are getting so good that many people are using them as their daily photography cameras to shoot photos and videos.

In this camera comparison, in order to see just how good the iPhone 7 Plus' cameras are, I put them up against my own DSLR, a new model from Canon in 2016: the 80D. I use this DSLR camera to film all my videos on my channel and to go along with it, I have a very high quality lens, the Sigma Art series f1.8 18-35mm lens. Together, the camera and the lens cost 2000$ US.

Here's what we'll be doing in this camera comparison test:
compare pictures in daylight
compare pictures in low light situations (outside at night)
compare videos in daylight
compare videos in low light situations (outside at night)
compare the iPhone 7 Plus 1080p vs 4K video modes

To make these tests as equal as possible, we made sure to:
use JPG formats on both cameras as this is the most widely used format for the average consumer
use standard picture profiles for both cameras
no post processing done
no color correction/white balance

►List of all the equipment I use to shoot my Youtube videos:
   • BEST YOUTUBE CAMERA & GEAR 2018 (Came...  

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Music by Hurley Mower:
  / nedmowermusic  


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