Ahmed's family's rural business starts to earn income

Описание к видео Ahmed's family's rural business starts to earn income

Ahmed family's rural business can include various activities that depend on the natural and cultural resources of the region. Below are some ideas for this family's rural business:

1. **Organic agriculture**: production of organic products such as fruits, vegetables and medicinal plants. These products can be supplied to local markets and online stores.

2. Livestock farming: raising light and heavy livestock such as sheep, goats and cows. Ahmad's family can also use livestock products such as milk, meat and wool.

3. **Handicrafts**: producing and selling local handicrafts such as knitting, pottery or making wooden products. These products can be sold to tourists or in local markets.

According to the special features of the region and the skills of the Ahmed family, they can choose one or more of these ideas and earn money. Also, paying attention to marketing and knowing the needs of customers can help the success of their business.

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