Adele DID NOT Need A Nerf | Paragon: The Overprime [4K]

Описание к видео Adele DID NOT Need A Nerf | Paragon: The Overprime [4K]

Good news and bad news.

The good news is that Adele got a new Christmas skin that's top 2, and it's not number 2. The bad news is she got an unneeded nerf. Now I will admit that she was doing a good amount of damage pre-nerf but nothing insanely crazy, you just need to stay out of her ULT. But nerf her shield??? That's what makes her unique as a tank.

She's hard to compete with now that Severog and Rampage got buffed (Severog is leaning on being broken now). It feels like for her to be really good you need to have a Muriel on your team and Trea''s Band is a must-have item now. I don't really agree with the changes but she's still solid in terms of her kit.

I never post surrender matches but I had a lot of fun with this match and it highlights how well Adele and Muriel work on a team.

I hope you enjoy the video!

What is Paragon?

It is a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena). In this MOBA, two teams of five players compete on a three-lane map to destroy the enemy's base called the core. Your goal is to win the game as a team, rather than get the most kills.


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