
Описание к видео 非私不可咖啡館(烏蘇拉篇)(@Allie-Ursula)

網路新世代的『六人行』如果,Facebook是一間咖啡館……有一天,艾莉走入了這一間『非私不可』咖啡館。咖啡館的老闆叫作馬克,他的經營模式可以說是前所未見。它採取會員制,非會員不得入內,而加入會員,喝咖啡就完全免費,只需要付出一個代價,就是必須分享你的隱私。其實,艾莉單純只想喝免費的咖啡,便在馬克的遊說下,成為了『非私不可咖啡館』的會員。但她完全沒想到,自己會來到一個如此奇妙的空間。首先,每個人可以設定自己的隱私權限,從公開基本資料的LV1到徹底解密的LV4,愈是願意分享隱私的人,就能得到別人愈多的讚。但這些讚有什麼用呢?它代表你在館內的地位,讚數愈高,說話就愈有份量,甚至可以影響別人,改變周遭的一切。最後,你將會成為引領人們一言一行的偉大『藍勾勾』。起初,艾莉並不太習慣館內的環境,幸好,她坦率真誠的性格,讓她在這裡交到不少有趣的朋友。即使是素昧平生的陌生人,藉由隱私的公開與分享,成功締造了新時代的社交關係,甚至萌芽了意想不到的愛情。儘管有人懷疑,這一間咖啡館到底靠什麼盈利?老闆馬克是不是有什麼陰謀?但多數人似乎一點都不關心,他們不只享受著館內的一切好處,更重要的是,在這裡可以光明正大地窺伺他人的隱私,以刺探別人的八卦為樂。艾莉在咖啡館裡的每一天,都有超乎想像的新鮮事發生。這間咖啡館裡形形色色的人物,像是毒舌的女機械人、憂鬱的時空旅人,還有看透你內心的推銷員等等,更讓她大開眼界。而艾莉的人氣也逐漸攀升,她感覺到自己的能力變得更加強大,她會成為咖啡館的新女王嗎?這是一間超脫現實、充滿科幻奇想,任何事都有可能發生的咖啡館。你寂寞無聊嗎?你熱愛八卦嗎?你不排斥與陌生人喝咖啡嗎?歡迎光臨全年無休、二十四小時營業的『非私不可咖啡館』。(A Cyber New “Friends” If SNS is a cafe ...Allie accidentally enters a magical Café Fasebook, which only accepts membership. Having free coffees is the advantage to join the Café. However, people have to share their privacy there. After the persuasion of Mark, the Café owner, Allie becomes one of them. But she did not expect that she would come to such a wonderful world. How does this coffee shop gain? Does Mark have some evil plans? Well, members there don’t care about that. They only want to enjoy every benefit, spy on other’s privacy and gossip. First of all, everyone can set their own privacy, from the basic information LV1 to completely decrypted LV4, the more willing to share the privacy of people can get more “like”. But what is the use of these “like”? It represents your position in the coffee shop, the higher the number of “like”, the more powerful of speech, and even can affect others, change everything around. Finally, you will be the great "Fasebook mentions" that leads people. At first, Allie was not used to the environment in the coffee shop, but fortunately, her frank and sincere character let her to make a lot of friends. Do you feel bored and lonely? Are you a narcissist? Do you like gossiping? Welcome to Café Fasebook where open 24/7.)


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