«Боль и прощание: Саджад и сладкие воспоминания о его доброй матери»

Описание к видео «Боль и прощание: Саджад и сладкие воспоминания о его доброй матери»

The nomadic life of Sajjad and his baby Sogol in the mountains is a story of hope and effort in the face of challenges. Sajjad is a kind and responsible father who, after the separation of his wife Elham, carries the burden of life alone. Due to Sajjad's debts and lack of money, Elham decided to leave their life together and look for a new life. This separation was very painful for Sajjad, but he decided to be strong and improve his life for the sake of Sugal, his little daughter.

Sajjad works in the mountains every morning with hope for the future. He tries to provide the best conditions for Sugal. One day, while cooking for her daughter, her kind mother came to visit them. When Sajjad saw his mother, joy and love ignited in his heart. But the news of his mother's farewell touched his heart. The kind mother had come to say goodbye and this news was very sad for Sajjad.

But the kind mother calmed Sajjad with her encouraging words. He promised Sajjad that he will definitely come to see them again and asked him to be strong for Sogol. These words gave Sajjad new hope and motivation. He learned that even in the most difficult situations, the love and support of family can be the strength to carry on.

Their nomadic life may be full of challenges, but Sajjad is determined to build a brighter future with his love for Sogol and the support of his mother. This story shows the power of will and hope in the face of adversity and how love can keep the light of hope burning in the hardest of times.

#nomadic_life#hope and effort#family_love#Kind_Fathe#Challenges_of_life#power_of_will#hard_life#family_support#story_of_hope#mother_of_love


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