The Origins of the Fraternitas Saturni: The Brotherhood of Saturn

Описание к видео The Origins of the Fraternitas Saturni: The Brotherhood of Saturn

I begin this introduction with a brief discussion of the concept of "left-hand path" vs. "right-hand path". Then I delve into the origins of the magical order of the Fraternitas Saturni, or Brotherhood of Saturn, which is one of the oldest of all magical groups in Germany. Future videos will cover the beliefs and practices of this esoteric organization.

"Fraternitas Saturni", in: Wouter J. Hanegraaff: Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism. Vol. I. Brill, Leiden 2005.

Hakl, Hans Thomas. "The Magical Order of the Fraternitas Saturni". In: Occultism in a global perspective. Edited by Henrik Bogdan and Gordan Djurdjevic, Durham 2013, p. 37-56, (ISBN 978-1844657162).

Stephen E. Flowers, Ph.D, “The Fraternitas Saturni: History, Doctrine and Rituals of the Magical Order of the Brotherhood of Saturn”, Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions, 2018.

Stephen E. Flowers, Ph.D, “Lords of the Left Hand Path: Forbidden Practices & Spiritual Heresies”, Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions, 1997, 2012.

Francis King, “Sexuality, Magic & Perversion”, Secaucus, NJ: The Citadel Press, 1971.


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